Friday, May 3, 2024

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

 While we don't agree with Sedevacantism the Dimonds do excellent work on EENS. Here is an excellent job on the controversy of Pius IX:

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Errors of the Laisneyites

 Catholic Vox editor: Here we present an older defense of EENS defened by Michael Malone, against Fr. Laisney of the SSPX.



In a September 1998 article in The Angelus, house organ for the Lefebvre Society of St. Pius X, Fr. François Laisney attacked Fr. Leonard Feeney (R.I.P.) and the dogmas of the Catholic religion for which he was so famous for championing in this, an age of heresy run wild. My refutations of Fr. Laisney's positions are delivered consecutively, as in a debate.


Mike Malone

Three Errors of the Feeneyites

By Rev. Fr. François Laisney


Error I. Misrepresentation of the Dogma, "Outside the Church There Is No Salvation." The first error of those who take their doctrine from Rev. Fr. Leonard Feeney, commonly known as "Feeneyites," is that they misrepresent the dogma, "Outside the [Catholic] Church there is no salvation."

It is scarcely a misrepresentation to take the Popes literally when they define a dogma of the Church which must be taken literally if it is to be taken at all. On the contrary, it is a misrepresentation of a defined dogma to say that it does not really means what it literally says. And to lump all such who take the Popes at their word "Feeneyites" is to categorize all faithful and orthodox Catholics, indeed including even little recently-baptized infants, as followers of Fr. Feeney.

Catholics do not "take their doctrine" from Fr. Feeney, nor, in fact, do all those who believe literally what the Church teaches. Even if Leonard Feeney had never existed, we would have to believe what the Popes have defined for us. Logically, we might then be called "Eugene-the-Fourthites" or "Innocent-Thirdites" or "Boniface-Eighthites," and so on. Besides, why denigrate the good name of a priest personally exonerated by a reigning Pontiff by calling his close associates "Feeneyites"? In English, such unsolicited slurs go back at least to the days of Shakespeare, when the members of the Company of Jesus were named by those who detested the truths taught by them "Jesuites." But, for the sake of concision - and since even the name "Jesuit" came into such unequalled glory even in the days of Shakespeare - we will allow Fr. Laisney's appellation, although both uncharitable and inaccurate, to stand.


The Feeneyites misrepresent this as, "Without baptism of water there is no salvation."

This is absolutely untrue, since no Catholic is permitted to hold any particular interpretation of dogma but they must indeed believe, as Trent defined infallibly, that without baptism of water there is no salvation whatsoever possible (Canon V, On The Sacrament of Baptism). Moreover, to misrepresent the Feeneyite crusade as one solely for water, thus reducing the over-all "package," does not follow at all, nor is it a true representation of the totality and impact of Fr. Leonard Feeney's crusade for the conversion of America. 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Catholic Dogma -- Book by Rev. Michael Müller, C.SS.R



Full book found here

   The Catholic Dogma
    by Rev. Michael Müller, C.SS.R

"Extra Ecclesiam Nullus omnino Salvatur."
"Out of the Church there is positively no Salvation." - Fourth Lateran Council, 1015

"Error, cui non resistur, approbatur; et Veritas, cum minime defensatur."
"Not to oppose erroneous Doctrine is to approve of it, and not to defend at all true Doctrine is to suppress it." - Innocent III.

Chapter I. Introductory
Chapter II. The Infallible and only True Guide to Heaven
Chapter III. The Great Revolt Against Christ
Chapter IV. Dishonesty of His Impudence Bishop Coxe
Chapter V. Refutation of the False Assertions of Rev'ds Sir Oracle, Cronin and Young.

Chapter V - PART I.

There is no salvation out of the Church.

§  1. S.O begins to comment on some answers, contained in our little work, "Familiar Explanation of Christian Doctrine," (first edition)
§  2. S.O. continues to speak ex cathedra.
§  3. S.O. examines and explains the question and answer, "Have Protestants any faith in Christ?  A. They never had.
§  4. What Catholic faith is.
§  5. What Protestants' belief in Christ is.
§  6. More false oracles of Sir Oracle.
§  7. S.O. declares truth to be rant and abuse.
§  8. S.O. continues to declare false what is true.
§  9. S.O. declares wholly untrue what he cannot understand.
§ 10. S.O. avows that our conclusion is correct, but tells more d--d lies.
§ 11. S.O. declares that the final sentence of the Eternal Judge, "I know you not--Depart from me, etc." will fall, not on Protestants, but only on bad Catholics; but from his own words it is proved that Protestants, too, are included in that sentence.
§ 12. S.O. declares the honest life of Protestants a standing reproach to bad Catholics.
§ 13. S.O.'s. pharisaical language.

Chapter V - PART II.

Those who live in heresy without being guilty of the sin of heresy.

§  1. Natural Law.
§  2. The written Law.
§  3. The New Law or the Law of Grace.
§  4. Conscience in general.
§  5. Kinds of conscience:

1. The right or true conscience.
2. The certain conscience.
3. The timorous or tender conscience.
4. The doubtful conscience.
5. The lax conscience.
6. The perplexed conscience.
7. The scrupulous conscience.
8. The erroneous or false conscience.

§ 6. What heretics are not guilty of the sin of heresy -- Refutation of Rev. A. Young's erroneous doctrine on divine faith of material heretics.
§ 7. Invincible or inculpable ignorance neither saves nor damns a person.
§ 8. How Almighty God leads to salvation those who are inculpably ignorant of the truths of salvation.
§ 9. Those who sincerely seek the true religion.
§ 10. S.O. on confession.
§ 11. S.O. points out the road to heaven for heathen and Protestants of every denomination.
§ 12. S.O. gives us credit for our correct doctrine in a way very dishonorable to himself.
§ 13. S.O. as Catechist.
§ 14. Liberalism condemned by the Church.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Karl Rahner and the Unspoken Framework of (Much of) Modern Theology - OnePeterFive

Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

Charles Coulombe’s interesting remark in a recent article that Pius XII, for all his intransigence against dogmatic modernism, allowed Father Karl Rahner, S.J., to be the editor of the prestigious Denzinger prompted me to take up the question of Rahner’s theology and the immense influence it has had on modern Catholic discourse. His influence is such that it is no longer even felt or perceived as such, but has successfully created an atmosphere, a set of implicit assumptions, a mental miasma within which many theologians and students work without even realizing that it is Rahnerian rather than Catholic. Just as for many centuries nearly every work of theology and spirituality bore the unmistakable imprint of St. Thomas—whether he was expressly cited or not—so too, the unmistakable imprint of the Jesuit of Innsbruck is to be found nearly everywhere, including in authors who are styled “conservative.”[1]

Inevitably, a figure of Rahner’s magnitude, who published dozens of volumes of dense material, is not someone it is easy to summarize, and I offer the following “big picture” fully recognizing that it will lack nuance. However, I am convinced there is a big picture at work; that we can accurately identify what it is; and that it is sufficient for assessing his impact and raising critical questions about it. Every thinker has certain guiding ideas that coalesce around a few major themes, and if one can find out what those are, one has a sort of “key” to the rest.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Explaining the Faith - Freemasonry: Meaning and Mission

 What is Freemasonry and why does the Catholic Church condemn it? Is it justified or a misunderstanding? Join Fr. Chris Alar as he gives the history and meaning behind this secret society and what their defined mission actually is.

Roe v. Wade

 We can only praise God for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.  Not much else to say. Mary Immaculate Queen Triumph and Reign !!

Monday, May 23, 2022

Saint Ambrose and Valentinian

 from The whole fascinating story is well documented in the book by  Bro. Robert Mary, “Father Feeney and The Truth About Salvation”, 

An often used example of a candidate for supposed "baptism of desire" was the young Roman Emperor, Valentinian II, a catechumen who, at the age of twenty, was assassinated in the year 392. He had planned to be baptized in Milan by his dear friend, Saint Ambrose. The memorial oration delivered by the Saint is constantly cited as a "proof" that the early Church believed in "baptism of desire." The quote from the oration usually begins with these words:

But I hear you grieve because he did not receive the Sacrament of Baptism . . .

Let us stop Saint Ambrose at this point and reflect on what he just said. All of the faithful assembled for the memorial service are grieved. Why are they grieved? Saint Ambrose says they are grieved because there is no evidence that the Emperor, a known catechumen, had been baptized before his death. But if "baptism of desire" was something contained in the "Deposit of Faith" and part of the Apostolic doctrine, why would they be grieved? Did not Valentinian earnestly desire Baptism?

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Was the Fatima Consecration Valid?

Here is a good discussion of the Fatima consecration. We at Catholic Vox think it was properly done.  Only time will tell if it was. Obviously it was not done properly before because there was no dramatics conversion of Russia.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Why do we have abortion in this country?


1. Bishop Bannon--if no one goes to hell why is it so bad?

2. Denial of the DOCTRINE of Limbo. Yes. I said DOCTRINE.
If there is no Limbo then all of these children go to heaven and their mothers and fathers can repent later.
According to the Council of Lyons and Florence anyone dying in only Original Sin immediately goes to hell-- but of a different punishment. The punishment was always the theological debate, NOT Limbo's existence.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Feeneyites are Mean


There is a usual slur that we are uncharitable. This is leveled in general against "Feeneyites" (i.e. Catholics who believe the Church's dogmatic definitions). Granted there will always be zealots who are overcomed by emotions and the importance of an issue, and they lose patience. But that is not an argument against the validity of their position. The actual fact is, we "Feeneyites" receive way more hatred than we give out.

We at Catholic Vox have tried to be as charitable in language as best we can. "Do unto others as you would have done to you." But when dealing with truth and error, those in error will take offense that we say they are wrong.

Although we at Catholic Vox don't consider ourselves technically Feeneyites. Many Feeneyites do not hold that BoD (Baptism of Desire) is heretical, neither did Father Feeney himself.