Home-page "Every question you ever wanted answered about the dogma 'No Salvation Outside the Church" Vatican III in the post is fictitious but also serious. We hope for a REAL Third Vatican Council to clear up the mess of the past 50 years. This blog hopefully will give some insights Vatican III--Session I
PDF book Baptism of Desire
Friday, February 13, 2009
Liberal Pollyanna
It isn't just the "traditionalist" who are admitting that Vatican II is a failure. In the video below Prof. Thomas Beaudoin, presents objective statistical failures in educating young Catholics. He does pull a Pollyanna at the end and says that all the statistics can't be trusted because faith is unconscious (what ever that means?). In this way, he is not honest, because we are not talking about one survey but a great number of surveys. He is pretty liberal and supports the Rahnerish world view. (Well he works at a Jesuit College and Rahner was a Jesuit. One needs to keep one's job ) Video about an hour long