Saturday, February 1, 2014

Vatican III Third Session---[Original Vatican II Schemas rejected by the liberals]

To go along with our cyberspace Vatican III Council here is some of the original schema that Vatican II was supposed to be, but was rejected at the last minute, by very good lobbying and politics by liberal Bishops. 

{from Unam Sanctam Catholicam Blog --my now favorite blog on the net --editor--Bill Strom. BTW I thank them for this valuable post. I have been looking for these schemas for years!]]

In the years leading up to the Second Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII entrusted the preparation of the documents that would be discussed by the Council to a Preparatory Commission, headed by the venerable Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani. The Preparatory Commission ended up drafting a total of nine schemas on a variety of topics. It was these schemas that would be rejected by the Council Fathers are excessively rigid, condemnatory in tone, and too "Scholastic" in their style. The majority of the documents were rejected in favor of what have gone on to become the sixteen documents of Vatican II. Until recently, we in the English speaking world had no way to assess the alleged inferiority of Ottaviani's original schemas; we had to simply take the word of the Council Fathers and periti. Thankfully, however, in 2012 a priest of Marquette University, Fr. Joseph A. Komonchak, laboriously translated five of the nine schemas into English. We are happy to link Fr. Komonchak's excellent translations below.

Five of the nine schemas are available, with expansive footnotes and helpful commentary by Fr. Komonochak. The original Vatican II schemas available in English are:

Schemas linked here